Studio Crafted Furniture

Inspired by Nature

A Naramatian since 2012, we eventually found our forever home in Naramata, where the workshop became the heart of Naramata Wood Co

Craftsmanship Rooted in Passion

With a strong entrepreneurial background and a deep love for woodworking, our founder, Jonathan, brings his expertise and artistic vision to every piece.

From the moment we select the finest sustainably sourced woods to the final stroke of the hand-applied finish, we pour our passion into creating furniture that stands the test of time.

We are dedicated to creating more than just furniture; we aim to craft heirlooms that will be treasured for generations.

Artistry Meets Functionality

Our furniture is more than just a functional piece—it's an expression of artistry. Each design marries both traditional and modern woodworking techniques with contemporary aesthetics, resulting in pieces that seamlessly blend beauty and functionality. Whether you're looking for a stunning dining table, a captivating bookshelf, or a statement piece that sparks conversation, we can build the perfect furniture to elevate your space.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly

At Naramata Wood Co, we deeply value environmental stewardship and are dedicated to preserving our planet for future generations. We carefully choose sustainably sourced materials and employ eco-friendly finishes in our furniture designs, ensuring that each piece not only beautifies your space but also supports a reduced ecological footprint.

By crafting heirloom-quality furniture, we contribute to reducing waste and keeping more materials out of landfills. Each piece is designed to last for generations, promoting a culture of durability and sustainability over disposability. This approach not only preserves the beauty and integrity of natural resources but also embodies our belief in creating timeless pieces that foster a more sustainable future.

In our continued commitment to the environment, we are actively exploring partnerships to initiate a tree-planting program, reinforcing our dedication to not just sustain, but also replenish the natural resources we all depend on.



Nestled along the shores of Okanagan Lake, Naramata is a hidden gem where the natural beauty is as diverse as it is breathtaking. From rolling vineyards and orchards to serene lakeside views and rugged landscapes, the area offers a tapestry of inspiration for all who dwell here. It's this unique blend of natural splendor that fuels the creativity and passion of our inspired local artisans and craftsmen.

The community of Naramata is tightly knit, characterized by a shared appreciation for the finer, simpler things in life. Here, conversations flow as freely as the local wine, and the pace of life encourages deep reflection and artistic endeavor. Seasonal changes bring a kaleidoscope of colors and textures to the landscape, each leaving its own unique mark on the creations that emerge from our local studios and workshops.

Studio Crafted Furniture

Inspired by Nature

“Oh my gosh, the panels are so beautiful!!”

—Collette, CLIENT “Exploding Walnut”

Get started with NWCo today